Nadia Buduruși, coach and founder of the first pole sports academy for children in Bucharest, was the subject of a media scandal in 2016, when she organised the first pole sports competition for children. The name of this competition, “Little Miss Pole Dance”, but also the context of a conservative society, led to disapprovals towards her and the girls she trained. But the social stigma hasn’t discouraged NADIA. She knows very well that she and her students practice a legitimate sport, recognized in many other countries. She kept her hope and confidence in the team she coaches, continued to organize contests in Bucharest and to participate in international competitions. NADIA’s biggest wish is to obtain the official recognition of pole sports, still stigmatized in Romania and considered by many to be immoral and specific to strip clubs.
The movie presents NADIA’s struggle to achieve her dream, her professional achievements and failures, the evolution of her junior team during trainings and competitions, as well as the stories of people around her.
We will tell the story of a community that seems to be captive in a society without tolerance and perspective, while raising questions about how people relate to new and different things, the possibility of changing collective mental patterns and the benefits and risks associated with this change.